Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Fat Kid Upset Over WWE Royal Rumble"

This depresses me on so many levels my brain is on fire. And not only because its me in the video.

Among the first few questions that come to mind:
1. Does this guy have grey hair? How old are these people?
2 . If you're reading this "Fat Guy" who is also a Paul Heyman Guy, bro, 12 year old me is mad jealous. I wonder what this guy does for a living to afford so much merchandise. 
3. That's a fucking $40 blu-ray he so casually crumpled between those pickle fingers. So you know, ^^^^^^^^
4. Myself being a weightier individual as well, I know this to be a rule: it's always funny when fat gets flustered. Especially on camera. It's a really really fine line between 


You can't really ever lose your cool, at least non-ironically. It's always a bad look. 

5. yeah these two humans do not look like they're the same age. 
6. I feel really, really bad for Paul Fat Heyman Guy when he starts self hating RE; playing with toys. That's such a lonely thought, even with his girl right there. I want to hang out with these guys and talk wrestling. Probably only once.
7. Pay attention to Big Fat Paul Heyman Guy's cadence and theatrics... he's cutting a wrestling promo. This can be a common problem with people so distressed with their own life that they live in a wrestling bubble. I tend to accidentally cut wrestling promos when I'm upset or fighting too. Lots of " the fact of the matter is". 

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