Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CM Punk: Look at me now

"I never intended to include Chris Brown's name in one of my tweets to start some sort of a controversy or to gain publicity"
-- CM Punk

"So Chris wants to throw stones my way and that's fine, but throw a pair of gloves on and get in the ring. And I will choke you out, and I will make you feel as powerless, and as scared and alone as any woman who has had the misfortune of knowing a sad little boy such as yourself....All proceeds can go to a women's shelter of my choosing"

-- CM Punk, 60 seconds later.

Heck of a promo, that.

The professional wrestling business has long been conflicted. Forever stuck between sport and entertainment, between theater and carnival sideshow. Oftentimes the WWE has claimed to take the moral high road, when its performers and stars very openly are less than innocent.

Take last Monday's Raw. The WWE had John Cena (the same John Cena who wears a shirt that reads RISE ABOVE HATE) publicly eviscerate a crying woman to the not-exactly-discomfort of the audience.

Currently, the website (you may have heard of this thing) has been the object of the WWE's confusion. Consistently mentioned on WWE television for no apparent reason, no fan is quite sure if the WWE is "working" twitter or if twitter is "working" the WWE.

Throughout the WWE's existence in the twitterverse, CM Punk has been a central figure. This summer when Punk was the renegade heel who stole the WWE Championship, he exploded many a wrestling message board by tweeting a picture of the championship in his refrigerator.

hey just cause you're straight edge doesn't mean you can't keep a few beers in the crisper

CM Punk is extremely twitter-savvy. He seems to be fully in control of his thoughts, his words, and to that end his persona at all times. On the other hand, Chris Brown may be the least self aware person in the entire scope of entertainment. This is a man who, on Larry King Live, compared he and Rihanna to Romeo and Juliet.

Brown is best known on twitter for engaging in a war of words with A BILL WALTON DUMMY ACCOUNT. Though Brown has since expunged this disaster from his twitter feed, the intellectual donnybrook will forever be recorded for future generations thanks to a little foresight and the trusty PrtSc button

Basically, if Punk had any idea about Chris Brown's history on twitter, he had to know what was coming.

Is it because Wrestlemania is fast approaching? Is it something intrinsic in Punk? It's hardly my duty to play CM Punk's psychologist, but if I could venture a guess, maybe Punk received a bit of negative backlash for some controversial comments he made about ex-girlfriend Beth Phoenix?

Say what you will about the original tweet. My point is that the Punk response to Brown is very, very clearly a "pro wrestling promo", and it has no purpose other than stirring up controversy and gathering attention. For the WWE, for Wrestlemania, and for CM Punk.

In this humble blogger's opinion, Punk knew that. He knew this was going to cause controversy. He may not have expected it to be news a week later, but you do not throw that kind of stone expecting no ripple. CM Punk is too smart not to know that maybe, you might be hearing about it again if you say you want to Curb Stomp a celebrity on your twitter feed.

At the end of the day, all CM Punk did was get a little extra attention for the WWE. And if he had to drag a [EDITORAL] disgusting, woman beating waste of life's [/EDITORIAL] name through the mud to do it.... I say Great! I hope the bout happens. I hope it takes place in an MMA ring. I hope I can watch it. And I hope CM Punk afflicts half the damage on Brown, that Brown inflicted in February of 2009.

WARNING: the following link contains the police report, featuring graphic information about the domestic disturbance between Rihanna and Chris Brown. It really sucks to read. It's bad.

Chris Brown police report

Chris Brown may or may not be an idiot. I'm no Chris Brown fan, I do not pay attention to him outside of when he is acting crazy and in the news. What I DO know, as fact? CM Punk is no idiot. He knows exactly what is going on around him.

WWE "Punk-Brown Twitter war picks up steam" | February 21, 2012

Thanks for reading Pimp Matches, I'm Matt Ederer.

Rejected Headlines :

- CM Punk throws deuces up to Chris Brown
- CM Punk offers to transform Chris Brown ...into a corpse
- Chris Brown: eloquent thinker and overall gentleman

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see these two get in the ring, octagon, steel cage, hell in the cell...whatever one is capable of keeping Chris Brown from running away like a little girly man, while CM Punk teaches him the lesson he deserves.
